C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Enterprise\Common7\IDE\ItemTemplates\CSharp\Code\2052\Class
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\Common7\IDE\ItemTemplates\CSharp\Code\2052\Class
#region << 版 本 注 释 >>
* 项目名称 :rootnamespace
* 项目描述 :
* 类 名 称 :safeitemname
* 类 描 述 :
* 所在的域 :userdomain
* 命名空间 :rootnamespace
* 机器名称 :machinename
* CLR 版本 :clrversion
* 作 者 :username
* 创建时间 :time
* 更新时间 :time
* 版 本 号 :v1.0.0.0
* Copyright @ username year. All rights reserved.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
if (targetframeworkversion >= 3.5)using System.Linq;
endifusing System.Text;
if (targetframeworkversion >= 4.5)using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace rootnamespace
class safeitemrootname
* 项目名称 :Kylin
* 项目描述 :
* 类 名 称 :Class1
* 类 描 述 :
* 命名空间 :Kylin
* CLR 版本 :4.0.30319.42000
* 作 者 :龙行天下
* 创建时间 :2019/5/31 14:31:08
* 更新时间 :2019/5/31 14:31:08
* 版 本 号 :v1.0.0.0
* Copyright @ 龙行天下 2019. All rights reserved.
* _ooOoo_
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* (| -_- |)
* O\ = /O
* ____/`---'\____
* . ' \\| |// `.
* / \\||| : |||// \
* / _||||| -:- |||||- \
* | | \\\ - /// | |
* | \_| ''\---/'' | |
* \ .-\__ `-` ___/-. /
* ___`. .' /--.--\ `. . __
* ."" '< `.___\_<|>_/___.' >'"".
* | | : `- \`.;`\ _ /`;.`/ - ` : | |
* \ \ `-. \_ __\ /__ _/ .-` / /
* ======`-.____`-.___\_____/___.-`____.-'======
* `=---='
* .............................................
* 佛祖保佑 永无BUG
* 这个公司没有年终奖的,兄弟别指望了,也别来了,我准备辞职了
* 另外这个项目有很多*Bug* 你坚持不了多久的,拜拜!
* 1只羊 == one sheep
* 2只羊 == two sheeps
* 3只羊 == three sheeps
* 4只羊 == four sheeps
* 5只羊 == five sheeps
* 6只羊 == six sheeps
* 7只羊 == seven sheeps
* 8只羊 == eight sheeps
* 9只羊 == nine sheeps
* 10只羊 == ten sheeps
* 11只羊 == eleven sheeps
* 12只羊 == twelve sheeps
* 13只羊 == thirteen sheeps
* 14只羊 == fourteen sheeps
* 15只羊 == fifteen sheeps
* 16只羊 == sixteen sheeps
* 17只羊 == seventeen sheeps
* 18只羊 == eighteen sheeps
* 19只羊 == nineteen sheeps
* 20只羊 == twenty sheeps
* 21只羊 == twenty one sheeps
* 22只羊 == twenty two sheeps
* 23只羊 == twenty three sheeps
* 24只羊 == twenty four sheeps
* 25只羊 == twenty five sheeps
* 26只羊 == twenty six sheeps
* 27只羊 == twenty seven sheeps
* 28只羊 == twenty eight sheeps
* 29只羊 == twenty nine sheeps
* 30只羊 == thirty sheeps
* 现在瞌睡了吧,好了,不要再改下面的代码了,睡觉咯~~
* You may think you know what the following code does.
* But you dont. Trust me.
* Fiddle with it, and youll spend many a sleepless
* night cursing the moment you thought youd be clever
* enough to "optimize" the code below.
* Now close this file and go play with something else.
* For the brave souls who get this far: You are the chosen ones,
* the valiant knights of programming who toil away, without rest,
* fixing our most awful code. To you, true saviors, kings of men,
* I say this: never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down,
* never gonna run around and desert you. Never gonna make you cry,
* never gonna say goodbye. Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you.
* 致终于来到这里的勇敢的人:
* 你是被上帝选中的人,是英勇的、不敌辛苦的、不眠不休的来修改我们这最棘手的代码的编程骑士。
* 你,我们的救世主,人中之龙,我要对你说:永远不要放弃,永远不要对自己失望,永远不要逃走,辜负了自己,
* 永远不要哭啼,永远不要说再见,永远不要说谎来伤害自己。
* Dear maintainer:
* Once you are done trying to 'optimize' this routine,
* and have realized what a terrible mistake that was,
* please increment the following counter as a warning
* to the next guy:
* total_hours_wasted_here = 42
* 亲爱的维护者:
* 如果你尝试了对这段程序进行'优化'
* 下面这个计数器的个数用来对后来人进行警告
* 浪费在这里的总时间 = 42h
* When I wrote this, only God and I understood what I was doing
* Now, God only knows
* 写这段代码的时候,只有上帝和我知道它是干嘛的
* 现在,只有上帝知道